Monthly Archives: May 2014

Lending Library

I love the library. Love. It. So when Amazon suggested that I make North Sea Dawn available to their Lending Library, I was ecstatic. Subscribers to Amazon Prime have access to more than 500,000 titles through the Kindle Lending Library. Which now also includes North Sea Dawn.

You can borrow one book at a time. Utilize the store from your kindle device and the option to borrow the book will appear for Prime members. And there is no need to remember to “return” it; the book disappears from your reading list when the lending period is up. If you loved it, you can buy it. If not, you still have space on your Kindle for hundreds of other books. What a great way to try out a new genre – or a new author!

North Sea Dawn Available

North Sea Dawn is now available for purchase on Amazon. I am so excited to have this work, my first original full-length fiction, out there in the world. With you, the reader.

I loved writing this story.  I laughed when the Vikings prepared for war in their boisterous, confident way. I felt terrible for Julia when her brother died and nearly cried writing her acceptance of his death. I was on the edge of my seat as I found the perfect words to describe that anxious, excited, nervous feeling right before the romance – and the worse anxious, excited, nervous feeling right afterwards. I grinned when Eric foreshadowed the Princess Bride by about 920 years. I actually jumped out of my seat when the villain finally got what was coming to him, yelling “take that!”, like a crazy person, at my computer.  I may have squealed a little during a particular, perfectly in-character, confession.

I hope you enjoy reading this even a fraction of how much I enjoyed writing it.

Who am I kidding, I hope you love it – more than chocolate, wine, and a shirtless Thor scene all rolled into one. Ambitious? Yes. But it’s out there. In the world. And that might be the best feeling an author can have.

Click Here to Purchase North Sea Dawn

Go forth, and read.