Chapter 9: Lame Duck, of Barghest Part II has posted. Although I realize not all of my readers like the chapters that aren’t action packed, I enjoy writing them just as much. They can be harder to block out and rough edit – it is difficult to know sometimes (especially for me) when I have said too much, over-explained, or dragged out a description. I do love a good description. However, these chapters are where I lay the foundations for future reveals. Writing a chapter like Lame Duck, or previous chapters like Unexpected Results or Smoke Filled Room, are challenging because they are based on dialogue rather than action. But when I get them right I can’t help but rub my hands together like a Bond villain and laugh manically. I can hardly contain myself as I wait for readers to realize that they knew, all along, what was going to happen. They had the clues. The antagonist told them – right there – what was going to happen. I love that moment when I am reading books by other authors, and to create that for someone else is an amazing rush.
As I continue to work on Barghest, I am always trying to find new ways to let potential readers know about it. I like this story, I love some of the characters, and I want to share it with as many people as I can. I want their feedback, and yours, so that this story, this universe, can be the best possible version of itself. To that end, I ask that if you enjoy Barghest, share it with your friends. Follow me on Twitter @susanamund , subscribe to my blog and leave comments. And if you have a moment, visit Top Web Fiction and vote for Barghest. Every time someone has the opportunity to see my work is fantastic.
Thanks for reading, and I hope you enjoy Lame Duck!
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